Monday, December 16, 2019

Beverley's Podcast


  1. Good job Mrs. Martie. Your poem can be used to teach students about plants. Keep up the good work.

    Shaquille Aldonza

  2. Great job Beverly! Well executed. I thoroughly enjoyed this podcast particularly the greeting and the poem on plant. A great piece to incoperate during science instruction when teaching plants. Keep it up !!!

  3. Beautiful introduction MRS. Martie. I enjoyed listening to you poem . This peom can definitely be used when teaching students about plants.

    Nasha John

  4. Good job Beverly! I see this as a potential instructional tool to help expand pupils' knowledge of plants.
    views by: Ylet Jn. Baptiste

  5. Very nice Beverly. I really enjoyed this poem and your students will too. Your intro likewise, was quite entertaining.

    Leotha Felix

  6. Thank you colleagues for your encouraging comment. This piece will be used in the classroom to help students understand the concept of plants using poetry. Keep Posting!

  7. Good job Beverly. I really liked your intro. Job well done in executing the poem. Keep it up!!
    Abigail Bascombe

  8. Wow! Fantastic job Beverly. What an informative poem to help students grasp the concept of plants. Well done!

  9. Very Good Poem Beverly. I see myself using this poem in a Science and Technology lesson as an introduction to the lesson. Reason for this, the poem stimulates plenty of interest before actually beginning the lesson. This was well articulated. I loved the song you used to start your podcast. It was very interactive!

    Job Well Done Beverly!

  10. Great job Beverley. You did a remarkable job in getting good quality pictures to complement your post. I like your intonation and charisma. Great video. Keep up the great work!

    Ryan Bicar.

  11. Your enthusiasm is contagious! I loved this poem and I think it is perfect for inclusion in a Science lesson on Plants. You are very talented.

  12. Very captivating introduction. This is a very good piece to use when teaching about plants.

  13. Thank you to all for these motivating words of encouragement and positive feedback.

  14. Thats my couzin :D :D Good job Bevo. Lovely poem. Can definitely be used in a science lesson. Can you email me this poem?


  15. Well done Beverely! I want to encourage you to use this poem as an instructional resource.
    A few images could have been used to highlight the different parts of the plant as they are mentioned during the reading.

    Beverely is a poet, Beverly is a poet!!!!

    You have what it takes to be a very good teacher knowing well that you are coming from the Pre school setting.


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