Sunday, December 15, 2019

Week Eight (Editing)

      This week we continued our mini lesson sessions. This session intended to give us an opportunity to experience and practice of the teaching of writing. It enabled us to test our skills and knowledge gathered from the LIT lecturers. This week, my partner and I taught the editing process. This task was a challenging onto me because it was my very first time teaching Language arts. Amongst the challenges were the preparation of the lesson plan which demanded my understanding of Language arts lesson planning and teaching techniques. Five students were selected to formulate a class to ensure that the lesson was executed. Using the previous pair’s revising piece. 
        The acronym CUPS was used to direct this lesson. Capitalizat, Usage,Punctuation and Spelling. With the use of this acronym, editing the piece was less challenging because it was used as a guide to walk through this stage of writing. To begin this lesson, we first reviewed the writing stages which were done previously. The students were then given words which they were to create sentences using the appropriate punctuation marks which included commas, exclamation and question marks and full stops. We discussed the uses of punctuation marks. A comma (,) is a punctuation mark that represents a slight pause in a sentence to separate words and figures in a list. An apostrophe (‘) is a punctuation mark that is used to show possession. A full stop (.) is placed at the end of statements and sentences that tells about a subject. For example: Peter is going to the supermarket.Question mark (?) is placed at the end of a questions or sentences that asks about a subject. For example: Is Peter going to the supermarket? Exclamation marks (!) is placed at the end of exclamations or sentences that express strong emotions, loud sounds and commands. For example: boom! Bang!. 
       We then looked at capitalization, a capital letter is sometimes called an uppercase is bigger than the lower class letter and extends beyond double lines. Capitalization is writing the first letter of a word as upper case and the remaining letters as lower case. The pronoun I must always be capitalized.The first word in every sentence must be capitalized. Proper nouns must always be capitalized. Always capitalize the first and last word in titles. Check that your sentences all starts with a capital letter. Also capitalize all proper nouns. For example: (names of people, places, days of the week,etc.). 
        After which we focused on word usage and spelling, The way in which words are used in context, especially with regards to their meaning. Read over to check for words you may have spelled incorrectly and may confuse the reader. To correct those errors you should check the dictionary or ask someone to check it for you. focus on the beginning sounds then other letter sounds inorder to search for the right place in the dictionary. To end this session, w reviewed the acronym CUPS. 
       This assignment provided an opportunity for my peers and I to learn from each other. It also provided an experience for us as teachers to teach the writing process. I recommend that we have a real life experience in the general educational classroom. Photo depicting the acronym CUPS:

Video explaining the editing stage of the writing process:


  1. Good refresher of the lesson which you executed on the editing stage of the writing process. The 7se of the cups acronym was very useful and can assist students with knowing exactly what to sift through their pieces of writing in search of. Capitalization, usage and grammar etcetera.

  2. I remember this lesson clearly . It was well done. The skills and knowledge learnt was definitely applied in this lesson. Thank you for refreshing my memory.
    You did great!

    Nasha John


Closing Remarks

Closing Remarks  The LIT Bloggers would like to take this opportunity to thank our Course Lecturer and fellow colleagues for viewing a...