Monday, December 16, 2019

Closing Remarks

Closing Remarks 
The LIT Bloggers would like to take this opportunity to thank our Course Lecturer and fellow
colleagues for viewing and commenting on our blogs with constructive feedback. This has helped
us grow tremendously as teachers of writing. The purpose of this blog was to reflect on the various
classes by writing about interesting or impactful concepts and practices modeled by the Course
Lecturer and to provide efficient suggestions for further sessions. Additionally, the intent of the
blogs was to incorporate technology in the writing classroom. 

Through these blogging sessions we have acquired a wealth of knowledge and skills as it relates
to incorporating ICTs in the writing classroom. Of course, it does not limit us to the writing classroom
but also to be applied across the curriculum. The experiences gathered from these blogging sessions
have really helped us grow professionally and has impacted us in our everyday lives personally. For
example, we now see blogging as a form or personal satisfaction and a leisure activity as it strengthens
our communication skills. Moreover, we are better acquainted with using technology in our classrooms
not only as teachers of writing but generally in the 21st Century classroom. The use of the podcasts
were really a step away from our comfort zones and this has really motivated us to use ourselves as a
resource in the classroom. 

With this being said, we would like to end with a quote: “The mission in life is not merely to survive,
but to thrive, and to do so with passion, some compassion, humor and style.” We are grateful for 
your wavering support. Thank you! 

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Closing Remarks

Closing Remarks  The LIT Bloggers would like to take this opportunity to thank our Course Lecturer and fellow colleagues for viewing a...