Sunday, November 10, 2019

Week five

Planning writing instruction.
To begin this lesson, the lecturer stated that “writing should reflect a process approach and students need to be taught”. This session focused on lesson planning as it relates to writing instruction. Then the lecturer preceded by placing us into groups. Each group was to work on a lesson plan which she guided us through. A Language Arts lesson plan entails the topic, subject, objectives : cognitive, psychomotor and affective. The content, introduction and steps. Planning writing instruction should reflect a process approach, this means that before involving the students in the writing process, they should be engaged in a discussion which will allow them to speak about their experiences. Additionally, they should also be read to, taken on field trips to enhance their real life experiences and view a video which they will gain more knowledge of the topic which they are required to write about. As of all lessons, the introduction should be interesting and captivating.  Moreover, the lecturer noted that the content of this lesson should not be limited to the objectives. The content should include examples and must also appeal to sensory. Therefore, the five senses must be taken into consideration. In addition, for each activity during the development of the lesson must be demonstrated by the teacher then students will follow. This lesson was informative as it broadened my understanding of planning writing instruction. One thing I took note of was that my activities must meet the needs of diverse learners. To ensure that all the students learn the content and skills which are needed to become an excellent writer, the teacher must ensure that auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners are taken into consideration. Although the lesson plans were incomplete, I recommend that the lecturer allows us to execute our lessons. This is to give us a feel of what it would be like to teach an actual lesson on writing.

This graphic organizer displays the components of a lesson plan.


  1. The visual representation captures the main components of the lesson plan. Perhaps you could have included some bi-dimensional arrows to show the relationship/s among the components.

    Is that all the lesson addressed? What did you find interesting about that session? What would you have liked to see done differently?

  2. Very informative post! I agree that the image of the graphic organizer does capture the main components of the lesson plan which I assume is the same procedure we use to plan any lesson. Planning is very important in instruction as it aids in increasing your confidence level and also the students confidence level in the classroom. It also serves as a guide that can be used when a substitute teacher is occupying your space in the classroom. So therefore, this blog post not only delivered a message on what should be done on a lesson plan for descriptive writing but informed us as to what happened in the session in order for it to be emulated.

    Written by: Michaela Canchion

  3. thank you for sharing what took place during this class session. I believe I was absent when this was done in class and reading this has somehow helped me understand what took place. I will definitely do some further reading.

    Nasha John

  4. This post is quite the refresher as it served to job my memory on how the lesson unfolded. For this session, I appreciated the lecturer's modeling of a Language Arts lesson as I have found that it is one of the more difficult subjects plan. What I found most interesting was how to incorporate the different stages of the writing process into a series of lessons to help students improve their writing abilities.

  5. Teaching writing requires planning. This piece reminded us of the components of a lesson plan as well as how it was modeled in the classroom by the lecturer. Reading it made me remember what transpired on that day and also some of the points from the lesson that I wish to practice in the classroom as a teacher.

    Noelita Tench

  6. This session was very informative in providing students teachers with the insight of planning for writing instruction. I believe in order for students to write, they should be given the experiences to write on or about. What really struck me is that writing should reflect a process. This I believe is a strong and true statement. In an effort to develop super writers, students should be given the opportunity to gain the experiences to write on by reading books, going on field trips or discussing what they are to write about. Informative recollection of this session.
    Written by: Abigail Bascombe

  7. This piece is very detailed and really reflected what was done in class. Proper planning is required in order to deliver an effective writing lesson. For me, planning a writing lesson was a bit challenging but after being awarded this opportunity by the course instructor to partake in the group activity I gained a lot more clarity on how to plan for a writing lesson.

  8. This post allowed me to reflect on the class. The importance of modeling was reinforced. after teacher's modeling i was much more confident and had some sense of direction when writing a Language Arts lesson plan.

    Brittney Duplessis


Closing Remarks

Closing Remarks  The LIT Bloggers would like to take this opportunity to thank our Course Lecturer and fellow colleagues for viewing a...