Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Week Four

This week was very different from any other week. It was colorful! Not physically, but at least we saw the colors mentally. They were not just colors as we know them but rather, colors that described images of all kinds! We shifted from narrative writing and particularly focused on this genre of writing which is "descriptive". We did provide some information about what we already know as it relates to descriptive writing and we were also able to examine a poorly written text in order to improve its description. We were introduced to the five (5) sense cluster in helping compose a vivid description of anything. Hence, the use of all the senses are instrumental in providing a description of superb quality. It was brought to our attention that the way in which a person is described differs from a place or object. When describing a person it is useful to focus on the personality and the physical characteristics. However, a place may just be the physical appearance with many characteristics that can be described in great detail. For example, the setting and the elements/objects found there. We see this class as one which is very beneficial to us as a student and as a teacher of writing as we are further aware of some of the different strategies in teaching descriptive writing. Additionally, we are getting the opportunity to grow as a writer in different text genres. One point that resonated with us the most during class was the unique way in which descriptive writing illustrates transitional words. They are not the typical “moreover”, “therefore” or “additionally” that were are used to. In descriptive writing transitional words will appear as a preposition! For example, through, on, over and surrounding are typical transitional words for narrative writing. It would be a great idea to have us draw and color a place or person to begin with and then use this picture to write a description of the person or place. Perhaps, the drawing and coloring will help us generate a fundamental description of what is to be described. The video below sums up nicely descriptive writing elements. Can’t wait to keep you posted on next week’s activities!


  1. Great piece guys! Just as you, the most valuable information that I learnt in that session was the difference between the transitions used in narrative text and those used in descriptive text. In narrative text transitions are normally used to connect events or ideas. However, in a descriptive piece prepositions are normally used as transitions.

    Leotha Felix

  2. Thank you Leotha. I am happy that you can relate and connect to our post. When you are writing your descriptive piece for your portfolio be sure to remember that your transitional words are not similar to that of narrative writing.

  3. I too share the same sentiments.What stood out for me during this lesson was the difference between the transitions used in narrative text and those used in descriptive text.Transitional expressions are used in text to help tie ideas together and show relationships.They also reveal organizational patterns to help your reader follow along.

    Examples of transitional words in a narrative text : Additionally , moreover

    Examples of transitional words in a descriptive text : Through, over

    Nasha John

  4. Intriguing Post! This lesson was required because I did not know that the same transitions that I would use for an expository essay and narrative text is different from the transitional words used in a descriptive piece. Moreover, in a descriptive piece one uses prepositions as transitional words. With this knowledge I can apply all what I have learnt about descriptive writing to my descriptive piece in my writing portfolio.

    Written by: Michaela Canchion

  5. Great jobs guys! I must agree with you on this piece. When engaged in describing a place, something or someone the writer should ensure that the reader is gaining a clear picture of what is being described. Hence, the use of sensory details is of great importance in a descriptive piece. I too gain knowledge of another level of transitional words used for this specific genre of writing. Way too go guys!

  6. What I found most enlightening about this session was that the transitional words and phrases used in descriptive text are different from that of narrative and informational text. To begin, it was a bit difficult for me to understand how a preposition could be used as a transition, however, as classes continued it became a little clearer.

    -- Brittany H.


Closing Remarks

Closing Remarks  The LIT Bloggers would like to take this opportunity to thank our Course Lecturer and fellow colleagues for viewing a...