Sunday, October 13, 2019

Week Three

In today’s session our class had the privilege to visit the computer lab at the University of the West Indies. Each student teacher was able to sit at a computer and began working after the instructions were given by our lecturer. She cautioned us that we should remain focused and complete the process to ensure that we understood the concept of how to blog because most of my colleagues did not understand the task for the assignment . Our first task was to create a limerick of our own.  A limerick is a humorous poem consisting of five lines. The first, second and fifth lines must have seven to ten syllabus while rhyming and having the same verbal rhythm.The third and fourth lines should only have five to seven syllables, they too must rhyme with each other and have the same rhythm. In addition, we were given an opportunity to change the font and the style of the words of the limerick.Our second task was to google and select an appropriate an image associated with our limerick and copy and paste it in our blog. Additionally, each group added our other colleagues to their blog and each student teacher was able to view and comment on each others  blogs individually or as a group. This session was very informative and I learnt a lot during this short period of time. This concept of blogging was relatively new to me as I have never been exposed to blogging but only heard about it. This new experience has enlightened to understand what blogging entails and as an educator will apply what I have learned in the classroom setting. I propose that the lecturer has other sessions like this with the class to better equipped us with the necessary skills required so when we go back to our classroom we will be able to apply what we learnt efficiently.

Example of a  Limerick
There was an old man named Ted
Who always lay down on his bed
He saw a big mouse
And ran out of the house
Laid flat on the ground like a bread


  1. I am also in support of additional lessons to help improve our technological skills so that we will be able to effectively integrate technology in our instructions and to also assist us with our future educational endeavors. Thanks for the outburst of laughter brought about your limericks.

    Written by: Ylet Jn.Baptiste

    1. Much noted Ylet.

      We as Educators are responsible for making learning effective,interactive and meaningful for students. As a result, we should find ways to incorporate technology into the classroom because it is what the students are submerged in. However, if we cannot utilize technology ourselves then this poses a weakness on our part. Thus, the improvement of our technological skills will surely enhance our ability to reach our students in all content areas.

      Written by: Ryan Bicar

  2. I too found this session to be very informative and entertaining. Not only did we get an opportunity to learn about the blogging process, but we also learned about one type of poem - Limericks. This allowed individuals who may have viewed poetry as a difficult genre of writing to realize just how easy it is to compose poems, once they write about what they are interested in.

    I am also in agreement of the added sessions to improve on the blogging process for persons who may still be experiencing difficulties with this.

    Great Post!

    Written by: Shaquille Aldonza

    1. Limericks are indeed a great start to poetry especially for students who lack confidence in writing. It is a great jump start and confidence builder. Limericks allow students to be creative and have some fun in rhyming. Most importantly, they are given the opportunity to write a poem of their interest. Students love that kind of freedom.

      Written by. Ryan Bicar

    2. I thoroughly enjoyed writing my limerick. I think that it is a great way to introduce students to poetry writing. I remember in Grade Four my teacher vaguely introduced us to limericks. She wrote an example of her own and allowed us to recite it. I vividly remember the excitement that it brought to the classroom, with my classmates drumming on the desks while reciting. We were unfortunately not given the opportunity to write limericks of our own. When I return to the classroom I will certainly introduce my students to limericks.

    3. Oh yes Leotha, limericks are fun! Also, the course instructor made it fun so this would have influenced our ability to see and use limericks in a fun and educational way.

  3. I too did not have the adequate skills needed to go about this blogging process. I must commend my lecturer for taking us through this session in a step by step process. It was very informative . This session was also engaging and interesting as we wrote limericks, added illustrations and videos to support our written piece. We also had the opportunity to share our written pieces with our colleagues, which brought so much humor that we roared with laughter .

    Nasha John

  4. It is really encouraging to see so many comments based on this post. I am glad that you found the session helpful.

    Amusing limerick, isn't it?

  5. Thank you for your remarks Ms. Polius. It was indeed a very useful session. I am happy that you enjoyed reading the limerick.

  6. I reckon that this session was very elucidative. Personally, I did not know how to blog and after this session I became a potential or aspiring blogger. Along with learning how to blog, I also learned how to create a limerick. A Limerick is a humorous poem consisting of five (5) lines. Moreover, the first, second and fifth lines must have seven to ten syllables while rhyming and having the same verbal rhythm. The third and fourth lines should only have five to seven syllables that must rhyme with each other and have the same rhythm. Acquiring these knowledge of a limerick, will assist me in creating a well structured poem for my writing portfolio. So therefore, the class was necessary and very intriguing.

    Thanks for this post because it permitted me to share my views on this session.

    Written by: Michaela Canchion

  7. I missed the session due to illness, but this post has informed me on what I missed. Limericks are very amusing and it can be used as an introductory piece to most lessons. They may capture the students attention or it can be used as a transition from one lesson to the next. Your limerick is very funny. I did not expect the part about laying flat like bread. Well done.

    1. I am happy that you found this post very informative especially as you were absent on the day.

  8. So far, this session was my favourite! I enjoyed the change in scenery and the opportunity to create my very first limerick! I wholeheartedly agree with your proposal that a session similar to this one be held at the soonest! I thoroughly enjoyed your limerick and look forward to learning about other genres of writing.

  9. Just like those who commented before me, this session was probably the highlight of my LIT102 experience as it took us away from the monotony of the classroom setting and into uncharted waters. While I loved familiarizing myself with my group's chosen blog, the best part was writing and listening to others' limericks.

    -- Brittany H.

  10. I Certainly agree with you my colleagues this session has been a very inspiring one where I have learnt the necessary skills needed to construct a limerick. I am looking forward when I return to the classroom to assist my students the skills needed to make their own limerick. Beverley Martie


Closing Remarks

Closing Remarks  The LIT Bloggers would like to take this opportunity to thank our Course Lecturer and fellow colleagues for viewing a...