Sunday, October 6, 2019


A warm and hearty welcome to our blog! Blogging is an interactive way to incorporate technology in education. It is not restricted to language classes or just for communication purposes. However, it is encouraged to be used in all disciplines in order to facilitate learning through the digital platform. This blog is used for the course “LIT102” or “Promoting Writing in Primary Grades”. LIT 102 is a mandatory course in Primary Education Associate Degree Program. The intentions of this blog are to reflect on the classes by talking about interesting or impactful concepts and practices modelled by the course lecturer and to provide suggestions for further sessions. We hope to create interactive blogs which not only provide direct information but also further resources in order to expand the reader’s knowledge of the concept of writing being discussed. Additionally, any form of constructive feedback provided in response to our blogs will be greatly acknowledged and appreciated as we understand that constructive feedback is critical to students’ success. Once more, a heartfelt welcome to you from the LITBloggers, Ryan, Kashey and Beverly!
Image result for welcome


  1. We are ready to be entertained and apprized of significant developments as well as engage you all in discourse via this medium

  2. We look forward to engaging you in this forum

  3. Feel free to make suggestions and give ideas . Your feedback is greatly appreciated.


Closing Remarks

Closing Remarks  The LIT Bloggers would like to take this opportunity to thank our Course Lecturer and fellow colleagues for viewing a...