Sunday, October 6, 2019

Week 2 The Drafting Process

This week, we focused on one of the stages of the writing process which is drafting. To begin the lesson, the lecturer handed each of us a piece from her newly written and ready to be published book. The course instructor asked us to read the piece in its entirety and encouraged us to read actively by highlight anything which stood out. This activity was fitting not only because we were being taught how to teach students how to write but also learning how to be effective writers. Drafting is the second stage of the writing process. After this was done, she expounded on the key terms which were recognized. It was important that she did so because it expounded on my knowledge of the drafting stage. Writers add and develop ideas to form sentences, however, spelling, punctuation and paragraphs are not taken into consideration. In addition, according to the lecture’s piece of writing, it is advised that teachers point out to students that they are likely to make errors during the first draft, these mistakes may be recognized immediately while others may require a deeper analysis. We recognized the course instructor’s spelling and punctuation errors during her process of creating the first draft. She emphasized that this is one of the features of the drafting process and that we should encourage our students to make mistakes while they draft. After this was discussed, the lecturer began to create a draft of a story which we helped her plan during the previous lesson. As the course instructor wrote her first draft on the board, we were able to recognize her spelling errors immediately. With the help of the students, she was able to tie our ideas together. This activity was very helpful as it increased my understanding of the drafting process. We were then asked to model the drafting process which was a plus because it was a way of applying our knowledge. The drafting process is the second step of the writing process, during this time the writer organizes and puts ideas into complete thoughts. To culminate this lesson, we were given an opportunity to share our drafts. I suggest that the lecturer continue taking us through the writing process by keeping us actively engaged as we learn to become better writers and produce effective future writers.


  1. Rather than revising your Piece of writing , fine tuning each sentence and reorganizing thoughts at every step as good writers we should JUST WRITE in the drafting process. Writing a first draft is a very important step in the writing process . It provides the writer with a chance to meld their thoughts together to further develop their ideas.

    Nasha John

  2. Indeed Nasha. The drafting process is so vital in the writing process. It is perhaps the essence of writing because in my opinion writing is the revision of multiple drafts. Therefore, drafts are revisited for editing, sentence structure and other components so that they can be perfected and published!

  3. I think that the drafting process is very important when writing. In addition, allowing the students to make errors when writing helps them to be more alert in the revising process which consists of them reworking the organization and details of their piece. Also, when you draft, you put your points from the pre-writing stage together until you are ready to publish.

    On the other hand, I believe that you have made some very good and pertinent points in relation to the drafting process. Keep on posting!

    Written by: Michaela Canchion

  4. This stage in the process is very important as it is where we transform all our ideas into sentences. The writing at this stage does not have to be perfect and many errors are expected. This is the time where we can explore with our ideas and start the penning of a beautiful piece to be.

  5. I believe that this is a crucial stage because having a list of ideas will not communicate to readers what a writer wants to say. It is only when it is put into sentences will the communication of these ideas take place.
    Michele Clercent

  6. A very comprehensive piece which brings to mind "Write without fear. Edit without mercy." This quote encapsulates the second stage of writing process: Drafting. During the drafting stage of writing, students give life to those ideas which were conceptualized during pre-writing.

    Having experienced they way we should model for our students how to create their first draft, I look forward to learning how to take my students through the process of creating a second draft (the Revision stage) as they revise their writing for content and organization.

    -- Brittany H.

  7. This post definitely captures the essence of the session. I strongly believed that this lesson was needed to prepare us for the teaching of the drafting stage. It was surely amazing to see the drafting process modelled by the lecturer as it provided a context which we can attempt to emulate.
    I love the suggestion that you have made to the lecturer because this will prepare us to be the best teachers of writing.

    Great post DTEEA Bloggers
    Shaquille Aldonza

    1. Thank you Shaquille. The lecturer did do an excellent job in modelling the drafting stage.


Closing Remarks

Closing Remarks  The LIT Bloggers would like to take this opportunity to thank our Course Lecturer and fellow colleagues for viewing a...